What is Scrutiny Panel?
Our customer Scrutiny Panel conducts reviews of our services to make sure they are designed with the customer in mind.
A review involves taking an in-depth look at a service and making recommendations based on your findings. Each review takes around three months to complete. We don't expect you to do it all on your own – you will have support from our Engagement team as well as the other customers who sit on the Scrutiny Panel.
These reviews help to make genuine improvements that benefit all Stonewater customers. To find out more about how the Scrutiny Panel works with us to improve services for all customers read our Terms of Reference.

Scrutiny Panel annual report
It’s been a busy year for the Scrutiny Panel at Stonewater. See what the group have been up to, and what they have planned for the next 12 months.
Download640.39 KBScrutiny reviews
Read the most recent reviews from the Scrutiny Panel.
- Responsive repairs Download338.74 KB
- ASB (noise nuisance) Download298.43 KB
- Service Charge Communications Download153.35 KB
- Contact and communications Download338.80 KB
- Anti-social behaviour: Shaping expectations Download314.42 KB
- Damp and Mould: Reasonable Adjustments Download290.47 KB
Speak to us about scrutiny
If you’re interested in finding out more about the work of the Scrutiny Panel, would like to get involved, or just want to talk to us about anything scrutiny related, please contact us on customer.engagement@stonewater.org
"It’s been good meeting with other residents to hear their voices and diverse opinions, and make changes for the better."
Dan, Scrutiny Panel member